Kunjungan Dewan Pers Thailand ke SPS dan Dewan Pers


Kunjungan Dewan Pers Thailand ke SPS dan Dewan Pers diterima oleh Ketua Harian SPS Ahmad Djauhar dan Staf SPS Pusat di Gedung Dewan Pers lantai 6, Kantor SPS Pusat Jalan Kebon Sirih 32 - 34, Jakarta, Selasa (24/5/2016). 

Dewan Pers Thailand yang berkunjung ialah Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee, Chairman, The National Press Council of Thailand, Mr. Kiatichai Pongpanich, Advisor, Sub-committee on International Affairs, The National Press Council of Thailand, Miss Boonrat Apichattrisorn, Honorary Council Member, The National Press Council of Thailand, Mr. Chalermchai Yodmalai, Sub-committee Member on International Affairs, The National Press Council of Thailand, Mrs. Yaowarin Kaenphakdee, Chief of Secretariat, The National Press Council of Thailand dan Mrs. Kanitha Pongpanich, Spouse of Mr.Kiatichai Pongpanich. *** nia