Photo Journalism & Travel Writing for PR Officer


“Verba Volant Scripta Manent.” It is an Latin proverb reminding us the importance of writing. Words may be lost and remind forgetable while writings and pictures stay forever. Thus, through the Photo Journalism & Travel Writing for PR Officer: Write the Journey, Create the Value, Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS) Pusat is willing to improve the writings and photography competencies of the public relation (PR) officers. The event will be held in Palembang on April 17th-19th 2013.

Why PR officers? Telling the experience into some writings becomes an important things as we want to save or even share it to others. Moreover, for the PR officers representing their organization or institution to deliver the informtion to the public.

However, those various stories often missed since it goes untapped through some words or pictures. In fact, there are so many opportunities to produce the stories and pictures for the PR officers; duty travels, company visits, or other business giving some chance to see new places out there. It should have been shared with some well writings articles and pictures.

By having this writing and photography skills, PR officers not only can tell the experiences trhough words, but they can also share it with pictures with both of the media have its news values.

In the workshop, the high competence speakers will convey the material; Susetiyaningsih (Head of PR Division Perum Perhutani), Agus Susanto (Photographer of Harian Kompas), and Yudasmoro (Travel writer and columnist). Asmono Wikan (Excecutive Director of SPS Pusat) will be the facilitator.

Below is the cost for participating in the workshop


Single room                      : Rp 5.850.000/participant

Twinshare room               : Rp 5.450.000/participant

No Accomodation           : Rp 4.900.000/participant


For further information, please call SPS Pusat (021) 3459671 or 3811228, u.p. Evi Endranita (085813772323) and Aulia Nastiti (085641029773), email:


You can also download the rundown and registration form in this website. (Find DOWNLOAD)